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Real Solutions for Your Pain
Suite 4, 356 Main St
Mornington VIC 3931
03 5973 9500
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Online Assessment
About Us
Our Services
Online Assessment
Online Assessment
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Re-Enter Phone Number
What is your main reason for seeking our physiotherapy services today?
What do you hope to achieve specifically from treatment?
Since the problem started, is it getting worse, better or the same?
About the same
Getting worse
Getting better
What previous treatments have you had and what effect did they have? Eg acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy etc)
Have you had any recent investigations on your current injury? (If so please list)
If i-med (previously known as MIA) was used, what is your PT ID Number to access these images?
Yes. I give consent to mymojo to access my digital images for clinical assessment purposes only.
A consultant will view your assessment shortly, after your form is reviewed what would you like to do?
Book the next available appointment (this shall be done as soon as the request is made)
Speak with a consultant (a member of staff will contact you to make a free phone consultation booking, please allow 48 hours to be contacted by a physiotherapist directly)
When is the best day(s) and time to reach you? Please provide a broad range of options to allow us to reach you in a timely matter.